Committee of Human Rights Reporters
Iranian human rights organization are urgently urging domestic and international human rights defenders to emphatically intervene to stop Islamic republic of Iran massive arrests and reinvigorating coercions against members of “Committee of Human Rights Reporters (CHRR)”.
Less than 3 weeks after arbitrary arrest of Saeed Kalanaki and Saeed Jalili far two prominent members of CHRR on December 20th, Iranian security forces arrested Shiva Nazarahari, Kouhyar Goudarzi and Saeed Haeri another 3 member of CHRR. It is worth noting that, Ms Shiva Nazarahari was recently released on September 21st after 100 days in custody with no laid charges.
Kouhyar Goudarzi, former secretary of the committee was sacked from his school prior to his arrest. Saeed Habibinia, Ms Parisa Kakaii and Ali Kalaai also have faced several judicial summonses and were forcefully asked to stop their human right activities. In recent years despite Iranian government coercion and suppression, CHRR as an independent NGO managed to play a pivotal role in timely informing International human rights organizations and media of the massive and multitude case of civil and human rights violations in Iran and also in enlightening public opinion inside and outside Iran.
Together with other human right organizations CHHR have also become a major player in taking necessary measures to prevent and diminish ample violations of human rights in Iran. We, the undersigned human right organization are calling on all international human rights bodies to take all necessary actions to stop this new string of brutality and persecution against human Right activists in Iran.
Just one little point,when i look at iran tv ,when you see people getting on buses the male /female,get on at different sides of buses ,and male and female are seperated, but at ashura and the pro goverment rallies every [Body ,men and wemen are pushed up near each other everyone is free ,to put it crudly to grab a feel ,.
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