Committee of Human Rights Reporters
Committee of Human Rights Reporters- Saeid Jalalifar, member of Committee of Human Rights Reporters and "Group of Defending Street and Labour Children" , has been arrested last morning by security agents.
According to the reports, he has been arrested by the ministry of information agents last morning after leaving his house and his family wasn’t aware of his maintenance location and arrestment reason for one day. Then the ministry of information has called his family, confirming his arrestment and stated that it will be determined how they can pursue his situation after 2 weeks.
Saeid Jalalifar is a social activist that has been prohibited from continuing his education in recent years due to his activities and has been dismissed from the Univesrtity of Zanjan. He was studying Physics in this university. Furthermore, Saeid Kalanaki another member of Committee of Human Rights Reporters had been arrested last morning. By arresting these two, the number of arrested members of this committee has reached to 3 during the months after Election. Moreover, other members of the committee had been summoned and menaced by the security institutions several times. By approaching Azar 16th, a new period of arrestment and oppression against political and social activists has been started. It seems that these arrestments will be continued until Azar 16th.
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