Rooz Online English
Two days after the Ashura day protests, Iran’s cabinet, Islamic Passdaran Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), several prominent Principalist figures, lawmakers supporting the administration in the Majlis and Basij forces have released statements calling on the judiciary to “promptly” arrest and punish opposition leaders. In their statements, these government supporters have called for “the harshest punishment” for “leaders of disturbances” – Mousavi, Karubi and Khatami.
Cabinet: Eye of Conspiracy Will Be Blinded
The cabinet released a statement noting its “disgust” with those it called “identity-less principle-breakers,” adding, “The disturbers, who are openly and clearly beholden to foreigners, are under the illusion of overthrowing the Islamic regime. This misled cult, unaware of the horrific consequences of its unconsidered and unwise actions, causes sorrow to the noble nation of Iran and joy to global Zionism with its principle-breaking acts and obscene slogans, virtually laying out the red carpet under the foreigners’ feet and targeting national security. They should know that they play the role of enemy’s infantry.” The statement of Ahmadinejad’s ministers goes on to say: “The wise and aware nation of Iran, which in the biggest referendum of June 12 proclaimed the loudest ‘No’ to anti-religion and self-defeated West-lovers, will once again make blind the eyes of the conspirators and break the enemies’ teeth.”
IRGC: Our Patience Has Run Out
Meanwhile, the IRGC criticized the judiciary for showing “tolerance” towards protest leaders, stating, “The question that faces the legal and judicial authorities in this country is what is the reason for so much tolerance towards leaders of the riots?” The IRGC adds, “The nation’s patience has run out for the insults, principle-breakings and illegal acts of a group of mercenaries whose commitment to the security and intelligence systems of anti-Islamic powers and enemies of the revolution and the regime has become widely documented and clear. The judiciary’s unwavering duty is to decisively and in a revolutionary manner confront the leaders of the riots and prosecute the conspirators.”
Tehran Prosecutor General: Judiciary Is Not Joking
In a separate reaction, Tehran’s prosecutor general said, “The judiciary will carry out its assigned tasks. I emphasize that the judiciary is not joking with anyone, and nobody is in a safe zone, and the judiciary will certainly act in cases of people who are charged with crimes. However, the timing and location depends on the country’s circumstances, and the judiciary will certainly not ignore its duties.”
Majlis Speaker: Will Defend Supreme Leader Until Death
Ali Larijani, speaker of the Majlis, also addressed the protesters: “With your actions on Ashura day you effectively waged war on God and God’s representative.” He added, “Know that we will fight to death on the path of Imam Hussein and to defend the supreme leader, and will not be tolerant with anyone.” The speaker of the Majlis also addressed the judiciary and security officials: “The Islamic Republic Majlis asks all security officials and government institutions including the interior ministry, intelligence ministry and the judiciary to arrest individuals that insult our holy religion and harshly punish anti-revolutionary individuals without any hesitation.”
One Week Ultimatum
On the other hand, a group of student Basij forces gathered in front of the judiciary, setting a one-week deadline for the judiciary to confront “leaders of disturbances” and “rioters.” One representative of the student Basij said, “If the necessary confrontation does not take place we will execute the leaders of disturbances ourselves.” Another representative of the demonstrators said, “If within a week the leaders of the riots are not punished according to the Islamic Penal Code we will deal with them differently.”
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